Drug Testing

The document, Guidelines for Medical Staff Policies and Procedures for Drug Testing: What You Test For, When, Why and How, issued jointly by the California Society of Addiction Medicine (CSAM) and CPPPH, has been the basis for videoconferences designed for all who use drug testing as one method of assessing the ability of a health care provider to deliver safe patient care. The guideline document is available for purchase and download HERE.
Drug testing is used in several distinctly different situations and different policies and procedures apply to each.
The videoconferences provide information for getting useful reports of drug tests when done "for cause" or in response to a "reasonable suspicion," or post-accident, or as part of an evaluation, or, in some cases, part of a monitoring program. Click HERE to see the announcement of a past videoconference on drug testing.
Programs for 2024 will be announced in the CPPPH Newsletter. Click HERE to add your name to the mailing list for the newsletter.