After a hiatus of about a year, the CPPPH newsletter resumes a publication schedule aiming to keep readers abreast of current developements and relevant information about physician health and wellbeing in California.
All past issues of CPPPH newsletter are available from the CPPPH website: www.CPPPH.org.
Confidential Assistance Over the Phone
The Physicans’ and Dentists’ Confidential Assistance Line is a 24-hour phone service providing completely confidential doctor-to-doctor assistance for physicians experiencing substance use or mental health issues. Call:
- (650) 756-7787
(northern California)
- (213) 383-2691
(southern California)
Send Us Your Comments
We want to hear from you. Send comments to info@cppph.org.
One More Step Toward Getting A PHP For California
The July 2019 issue of this newsletter listed the different steps the Medical Board must complete to establish a MBC Physician and Surgeon Health and Wellness Program in compliance with the legislation passed in 2016 – SB1177.
One step has just been completed. From the agenda materials for the meeting of the Medical Board of California (MBC) on August 8-9, we learned that the Board’s proposed regulations have completed the review by the Department of Consumer Affairs (the parent body of the MBC) and were returned to the MBC on 5-29-19. The Medical Board’s status note said “Board staff reviewing language before publication.”
Relevant Background References
AMA Model Legislation 2016: “Physician Health Programs Act”. For a copy, Click HERE.
The Federation of State Medical Boards 2011 Policy on Physician Impairment. For a copy, Click HERE
Message from CPPPH Chair
For the past decade, physicians in California have not had the assistance of a physician health program (PHP), which physicians in all but three other states have access to. PHPs not only help physicians with mental health conditions and substance use disorders, they protect the public. There is a well-studied formula that is supported by guidelines of the Federation of State Physician Health Programs (FSPHP). This includes early interventions, access to unbiased and diagnostic criteria-based evaluations, treatment with healthcare professional peers, and years of monitoring. CPPPH will continue to inform readers of the status of getting a physician health program for California.
Matt Goldenberg, DO
Chair of the Board of CPPPH
New Leaders for CMA Well Physician
In July, California Medical Association announced the new CEO and COO for Well Physician California, the joint effort from the CMA and Stanford University to target physician wellness and reduce burnout and attrition from the profession. They are Dave Logan, Ph.D Chief Executive Officer and Emily Coriale, PharmD Chief Operating Officer.
Logan has been on the faculty at the University of Southern California since 1996, teaching in the Executive MBA, Executive Master of Leadership, and Master of Medical Management programs. He holds a Ph.D. in organizational communication from the Annenberg School at USC. See a full bio HERE
Coriale has previously held executive leadership roles for Medicare for both Humana and Blue Shield of California and, earlier, was the Director of Pharmacy for the San Francisco City/County Health Plan.
For the full details, see the CMA July 11th press release HERE
Wellness activities address quality of life and professional satisfaction for all physicians. Wellbeing activities provide resources for identifying, evaluating, referring, treating, and monitoring for physicians when addiction, mental health, behavioral issues, and the effects of aging are a concern.
Upcoming Events
September 4, 2019, 2:15 pm to 6:15 pm
Anaheim Marriott
What They Didn’t Teach You in Medical Training: Protecting Your Medical License and Your Well-Being
This pre-conference workshop at the 2019 meeting of the California Society of Addiction Medicine brings together physician wellness advocates, addiction psychiatrists, an attorney, and the Executive Director of the Medical Board of California:
Kevin Cauley, JD, Los Angeles
Scott Clark, MPA, California Medical Association Well Physician California
Matthew Goldenberg, DO, Professionals Treatment Program Santa Monica, CA
Kimberly Kirchmeyer, Executive Director, Medical Board of California
Karen Miotto, MD, Physician Wellness Program, UCLA
Lee Snook, Jr., MD, Metropolitan Pain Management Consultants, Inc.
Registration fee: $275 For the registration page, HERE
To see the full program of the 4-day Addiction Medicine Review Course, click “View the Brochure” HERE
Available from CPPPH
You can read all the past issues of CPPPH eNews HERE.
Five CPPPH guideline documents are available HERE.