Los Angeles Times Publishes Article By Addicted Doctor
A doctor who has been on both sides of drug rehabilitation, as a physician and as an addict, contributed an article published in the LA Times on June 6. Peter Grinspoon, MD writes: “Humans in distress have always reached for relief close at hand. In the case of doctors, that’s often prescription medicine. A 2013 study in the Journal of Addiction Medicine revealed that 69% of doctors abused prescription medicine ‘to relieve stress and physical or emotional pain.’ Given how immediately…these pills work, the temptation to use them again and again may become overwhelming. Given how addictive they are, that’s like trying to put out a fire by dumping gasoline on it.”
Dr. Grinspoon is a primary care physician practicing in Boston. He teaches at Harvard Medical School and writes eloquently of confronting his own addiction and his journey back to health. Read more here.
CPPPH is offering a conference on Keys To Physician Wellness: From Burnout To Professional Satisfation in Anaheim on August 24. We have assembled a distinguished panel of professionals who will address physician health issues. Tools and solutions will be emphasized and case illustrations discussion.
CPPPH is also hosting the following morning workshops for those interested in physician wellbeing:
Confidentiality and Reporting Requirements For Wellbeing Committees, Medical Staff and Peer Review Bodies
Presented by
Tom Curtis of Nossaman LLP
Saturday, June 25, 2016
9:00 am – Noon
Alameda Contra Costa Medical Association (ACCMA)
Saturday, July 23, 2016
9:30 am – Noon
Los Angeles County/USC Medical Center