Silence Is The Enemy For Physicians With Depression
A recent article in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) postulates that almost 30 percent of resident physicians have either symptoms or a diagnosis of depression. This startling finding is complicated by the understanding that “medicine is a profession in which admitting a problem carries a stigma that can have more impact than in others” writes Aaron E. Carroll, MD. Because of this dilemma, physicians are resistant to asking for and receiving treatment; they are also more likely to self-medicate. Read the full article.
California Public Protection & Physician Health, Inc. is committed to breaking the silence about the need for physicians to seek and receive compassionate care when they are in need. On August 24th, we are hosting a conference in Anaheim where experts on physician wellbeing present:
- The core issues from the point of view of the individual physicians
- The latest research on physician mental health, burnout and disruptive behavior
- Implementable solutions, tools and techniques
The six speakers will offer case illustrations and discussion designed to give you an understanding of what has been demonstrated to be effective in a variety of medical settings.