This CPPPH newsletter aims to keep readers abreast of current developments and relevant information about physician health and wellbeing in California.
All past issues are available from the CPPPH website:
Wellness activities address quality of life and professional satisfaction for all physicians.
Wellbeing activities focus on an individual physician and provide resources for identifying, evaluating, referring, treating, and monitoring for physicians when addiction, mental health, behavioral issues, and the effects of aging are a concern.
Confidential Assistance Over the Phone
The Physicians’ and Dentists’ Confidential Assistance Line is a 24-hour phone service providing completely confidential doctor-to-doctor assistance for physicians experiencing substance use or mental health issues. Call:
Send Us Your Comments
We want to hear from you. Send comments to
Medical Board of California Proposed Legislation for New PHP
The quarterly meeting of the MBC in November will include discussion of the legislation that the Board plans to propose to establish a new Physician Health and Wellness Program for California. The proposed language will authorize a program based on the years of experience of physician health programs in other states.
The Board published a first draft of its proposed language and held a meeting of “Interested Parties” on October 24 to invite public input. (A copy of the proposed language is HERE) Approximately 15 people spoke at the October 24 Interested Parties meeting, and all but one applauded the approach the Board is taking.
The Board invited written comments in time for Board members and staff to review them prior to the Quarterly Board Meeting on November 21-22, 2024. Email your comments regarding this topic to the Board at
We can expect the Board’s proposed language to be published again in the materials for its November meeting. It will available on the Board’s website but not until several days before the meeting.
What Medical Societies Are Doing
Many medical societies have activities that address the increased incidence of burnout among their member physicians. The focus is on personal wellness and professional satisfaction and is different from a focus on conditions that potentially impair the ability to practice safely because of substance use disorders or physical or mental health.
Such wellness programs are important positive contributions to the overall health of the medical community and are in place in many medical societies across the country. Several are in California.
A program in Texas has a comprehensive and valuable 132-page tool kit which is available at no charge from the Travis County Medical Society. The LifeBridge Physician Wellness Program™ Tool Kit Second Edition (2024) was published with funding from The Physicians Foundation by a group of county medical society executives from across the nation concerned about the growing tide of distress among their physician members. After successfully launching their own programs and seeing the immediate positive impact on their members, they said they felt compelled to share their learning with others. The Tool Kit Second Edition describes several different types of programs including counseling, coaching, Balint Groups, and other approaches. They said that their hope is that a broad safety-net can be spread to help strengthen the lives of those whose calling involves inherent emotional challenges.